Many people want to lose weight and they usually start exercising regularly, or dieting, but all to often they forget to do the other part. Dieting and Exercising are the two key ingredients when it comes to losing weight. The food you eat nurtures and restores your body, so you should eat things that will benefit your body instead of hindering it. Exercise is important because it burns fat and builds muscle.

Dieting plays a bigger role in weight loss than exercising does. Your body gets nutrients from the foods you eat so it is important to eat healthy, natural foods such fruits and vegetables. Fruits are better to snack on than processed foods because they contain many great nutrients and they are even lower in calories. Your body will benefit much more from nutrients like potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate, as opposed to the cancer-causing chemical, Acrylamide, which can be found in “potato” chips. Aside from losing weight, you will become healthier and just feel better more often. Exercise should happen as much as possible, but don’t push yourself too hard.

Exercising five times a week for thirty minutes is a good starting goal. Depending on your daily activities, something as simple as taking a walk would be a good start. Look up and try new workouts until you find something that works for you. As you exercise more and more, your body will be able to handle longer, more rigorous workouts. Exercise will help lose weight by burning fat, but if you start building a lot of muscle you may gain weight, simply because muscle is heavier than fat, even though you will appear slimmer.

Exercise will also help you sleep much better at night because your body will burn more energy than it is used to, causing you to actually be tired and fall asleep a lot quicker.   Eating healthy foods and exercising frequently will keep your body healthy for the years to come so it is important to be doing these things as often as possible. Try eating significantly healthier for a few weeks and I guarantee you will have more energy and just be happier in general. Its pretty amazing what plants can do.



About the Author

Andrew Fullington

Andrew Fullington

Student - Spring 2017