Aimee Sears Livingston discovers the power within to overcome the curves that life throw at her. Aimee was born in born in Monroe, Georgia. Aimee’s family relocated to Panama City Beach when she was 12 years old. Life started throwing curves at Aimee at the young age 13 when her father Bruce Sears passed away. Aimee was able to overcome this curve with love of her mother Lori and time.

Aimee was on her way to becoming a family law attorney when she graduated from Arnold High School, but life had other plans. At the age of 16, Aimee in her junior year of high school she finds herself pregnant, with a beautiful baby girl. Aimee’s would find that her world would be flipped upside down. Aimee’s mother Lori was able to help her with the love and support,

Photo of Aimee's family, provided by Aimee.
Trevor Scott at Aimee's nursing school pinning ceremony

as well as babysitting, so Aimee was able to put her best foot forward. She graduates from Arnold High School with an 11-month-old.

It was the birth of her baby girl Caylee that changed the direct of her education and future. Aimee’s daughter gave her passion for taking care of people. It was this passion that set reality motion for Aimee, as she decided to go into the field of nursing.

In 2010, Aimee started her prerequisites for the nursing program at Gulf Coast State College. In the fall of 2012, the news of Aimee beings accepted into the nursing program would begin the toughest two years of school she would

ever know. She would find out all those sleepless nights where worth it when she graduated as a registered nurse in December of 2014.

Aimee took her first job at Bay Medical Center in February of 2015; she had the pleasure of servicing the patients on the general medical floor. Aimee made a decided to return to Gulf Coast State College to get her bachelor degree in nursing, which she received in August of 2016. At this time Aimee was about to transfer to the cardiovascular intensive care unit.

Aimee and Mrs. Miller at my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing graduation.

Aimee is not all work; she makes it a point to spend her free time with Jeff and the kids. They like to take a break from serving by making regular trips out to Shell Island, the place where they meant. The Livingston family take great to enjoy in their work Aimee as a nurse and Jeff serving our country. It is in the quiet moments when Aimee, makes plans for the future. She is contemplating furthering her education but does not know what the exact end goal is at this time.



Student Author - Spring 2017

Maryann is a designer, front-end developer and family gal. I like to doodle over fonts and pour through code. Designing web interfaces has to be one of the most challenging and rewarding careers, next to teaching. Requiring constant upgrading of knowledge, meeting demanding deadlines and finding solutions to criticism. And that’s why I love it. In my spare time, I spend as much time with my family Geocaching and playing Pokemon Go. I have an incredibly family and patient husband, James and three wonderful children. Chances are, you’ll find me either in front of a computer screen, at school, or with my family.