HotS Loot Boxes
Heros of the Storm 2.0 is here! I’ll be giving you the details on the changes and if it’s really as different as they say it is. To start off Heroes of the Storm is a Blizzard original I.P. that throws all of their heroes, villains, and mercenaries from all of their different I.P.’s like StarCraft, Warcraft, Overwatch, and Diablo. Heros of the Storm is a PC MOBA game.

Police D.Va
With this update Blizzard decided they would try to entice Overwatch players to play Heroes of the Storm by bribing them with cosmetic skins and loot boxes. Before Blizzard tried to do something like this before with the Oni Genji cosmetic skin and the players could get it in Overwatch by completing the Nexus challenge. Well now they are bringing the same kind of challenge back but this time it’s to a much less extent. This time around you only need to play five games with a friend on any difficulty and it can be VS. A.I. or against real people. They plan to do this over five weeks with each week (except for the fifth week) and each week will offer the same quest but will offer different rewards. The second week will offer the Officer D.Va Skin in Overwatch, for HotS you will get a Busan Police Hovercycle Mount. During the second week D.Va will become a playable character in Heroes of the Storm as well. In the 3rd week of the challenge in HotS you will unlock Overwatch Nexagon Mount, Officer D.Va Banner, Badge Spray, and a Officer D.Va Portrait. In Overwatch you will get a officer D.Va spray and player icon. The fourth week will earn you ten loot boxes for each game. The finale week will be catchup for anyone who has not finished playing all twenty games and anyone has till May 22nd to do so.
So as someone who doesn’t enjoy MOBA’s at all how well did I enjoy (but enjoys Overwatch very much) how was my first time? Well it was ok. It is better to play with friends (which is a requirement for the challenges) as with anything else but will I be going back to play Heroes of the Storm? Well its possible but only if they have some sort of skin event like they are doing right now. Heroes of the Storm is not a bad game but it’s not really a game I enjoy. If you’re into MOBA’s Heroes of the Storm is best described as the “Saint’s Row” of the MOBA genre (silly) compared to “Grand Theft Auto” or League of Legends which is super serious. I have tried to play League of Legends before but I just got so bored of it that I only played one match and just gave up. “Heros” on the other hand at least is keeping my interest and is pretty fun. I probably won’t be returning though for casual time for the reasons I’ve stated before.

Oni Genji Skin
Heros of the Storm’s 2.0 revamp according to hardcore players… doesn’t really do anything different other than make the loot and leveling system more like Overwatch and doesn’t offer any kind of balance changes or map changes which some players were hoping for.
Overall it’s a pretty neat and casual game that I would recommend MOBA players check out. Matches are short and casual so it’s perfect for quick little matches. Its pretty fun but overall doesn’t really change anything about the game other than the leveling and loot system. I’m kinda glad they did this so I could check it out to see of I enjoy this type of game but unfortunately I’ll just be grabbing my loot and heading back to Overwatch.
Anonymous Student Author – Spring 2017