For the past week I’ve been grinding out public events, crucible, and milestones to increase my light level in Destiny 2. Unfortunately, I do not have a fireteam to complete the weekly Nightfalls nor the Raid to get a chance of getting “Powerful Gear” to increase the light level of my warlock guardian. This is nothing short of incredibly annoying as I have been spending numerous hours finishing small quests and roaming the planets to finish their smaller quests in hope of getting powerful gear in the form of a legendary engram. Upon my soft cap of hitting light level 265 it was impossible to do any regular missions and get encrypted legendary engrams that would exceed that light level. After I did some milestones and exotic weapon quests I received weapons and armor that even exceeded light 270.

Now one thing that really threw me off is that I’ve watched numerous videos and read articles about how NPC’s wouldn’t give you engrams past 265. You can receive these engrams from leveling up their area by doing quests or earning items from doing their activities. However, once my light level got above 270 I noticed from the gunsmith vendor I would randomly get a chance of an engram light higher than 265. This did not happen all the time as I would still occasionally get the 265 engrams. The armor and weapons from constantly upping the NPC levels has tremendously helped me in reaching my goal of getting light level 280 before I even attempt to do the Raid.

Currently I’m 276 light level only because I don’t want to infuse an exotic with a legendary for the heavy class. Another way that has been proven very effective is doing heroic public events. You can activate these events from the standard ones by doing simple hidden tasks before finishing off the final boss. With each even you have the possibility to pick up an encrypted legendary or exotic engram. The exotic engrams have been proven most effective as they will always scale with your light level. They will also decrypt above 265 if you are stuck at that light level. With the active scaling from exotic engrams I have even seen light level weapons and armor being decrypted 7-15 light levels above my current level.


For Light Level 300+ and above, here is a great video explaining how to get there:


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Fall 2017