Photo by ELLA DON on Unsplash

Personally I have played countless hours of the original Star Wars Battlefront and the second one from the old PS2 days. When they rebooted the game back in 2015 fans flocked to the game but many gamers were disappointed in the game as it didn’t feel like the original two. I actually enjoyed the reboot as I thought of it as an individual game that wasn’t supposed to be just like the originals. It gave off a lot of battlefield gameplay and it was for sure a game made by DICE. Now to the beta of Star Wars Battlefront 2.

Honestly, I am blown away by the game and how it plays. They kept all the authentic sounds from the first game but it feels completely different from the first one. Electronic Arts finally listened to their fans and made the game feel like the old ones while accompanying many of the new exciting things happening in the Star Wars universe. What really blew me away was that they took a lot of sound effects and guns from the TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars and incorporated it into this game.

Along with new it did keep some old from the original game from 2015. The star cards came back but were revamped to now act as special abilities for your character you play as. This new system is very interesting as the star cards have certain scalability of how effective they are. However, there is some concern about this new system as you can only get them from loot crates. Many games have been destroyed because of a pay to win system where gamers will pay for loot boxes in the chance that it will make them dominate the battlefront. The system is still in beta so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

The game modes were refreshing and definitely put a different spin on the game compared to the last one. The main issues I ran into while playing the game was lag. I personally didn’t experience the lag but I saw it with my teammates and the enemies as they would disappear and jump from one place to the other in game. Also textures were having a hard time and many objects seem as they had a low polygon count that made them look unfinished. Overall, the beta very fun to play and I’m excited to the play the full game once it releases.


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Fall 2017