Fortnite’s free to play Battle Royal, last person/team standing, game has been seeing numerous and fast updates within these past two weeks. At launch of patch 1.24 (currently 1.26) introduced much needed patches to the game. They worked heavily on controls/aiming and hitboxes. You can now change the sensitivity while you are aiming down sights (ADS) and there is a plethora of different options for controls. Keyboard and mouse is now fully supported on consoles along with its own unique settings.
Sniper Rifles have seen a huge upgrade with shot consistency and a better projectile speed. Semi auto snipers are true to their color and perform better based on which rarity you have. However, the bolt blue (rare) sniper rifles seem to perform better than purple and golds in my opinion. Standard auto rifles have also been given a buff in their handling. While accuracy seems to have been nerfed for the auto rifle when firing continuously. Hitting targets effectively ranges from semi shooting to burst and then during odd moments you have better accuracy while holding down the trigger. Shotguns and Scoped Rifles are now over-powered for about any encounter in the game. The shotguns in the game now act like hand cannons as they do a ridiculously amount of damage even from far distances. This is unusual compared to how most games treat shotguns as short range weapons that drastically drop off in distance. The shotgun damage distance is comparable to using a real 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 00 Buck. Scoped Rifles are comparable to shooting a AR-10 chambered in .308 and have a moderate rate of fire. Also with the update the scoped rifles have a faster projectile compared to the sniper rifles and it can occasionally make it easier to take out opponents.
Graphics have also been upgraded with this update including when you are in the storm while trying to get into the circle. Instead of just a purple haze you now have rain/lighting and blowing leaves all around you while outside of the circle. There is also new customization of characters where currently you can purchase skins or earns certain items through the new leveling system. Currently it’s unclear what actions count as XP for the leveling system.
Drew Christmas
Student Author - Fall 2017