Fortnite Battle Royal can be a times a very rage inducing game. I’ve personally played countless matches where my buddies and I would be in the top 5 squads and die from other teams that would gang up on us. Or times when it’s team vs team and everything seems like it’s going well till you get too spread apart and they pick you off one by one. To do well in team matches the number one thing to do is play defensively. The fastest way to lose in fortnite is to go after an enemy player when you think you have the drop on them. By missing shots or wandering off away from your teammates is the worst thing you can do to make sure you finish near the top. Also wandering is big issue with many players on fortnite as hills are your true enemy when defending your teammates from enemies. I’ve died countless times from the hills being at too much of an angle for my teammates to down my attackers.

Loot Crates and standard loot from downed enemies can also not be your friend in the game as most other gamers will use these areas as traps. A large majority of players will sit near Loot crates waiting for other teams to interact with it and get the drop on them and their loot. In the game you can actually fast walk which prevents your player from being heard while sprinting/jogging. This is an effective tool while trying to navigate around other squads. Hiding in the game may be frowned upon most gamers but it an effective way to keep other teams from hunting you down. Personally I won quite a few times from hiding for more than half of the match while everyone else was bringing the count of players alive down. Bushes in the game are a great way to do this as it will cover up your character and keep you from being spotted unless they happen to walk into the bush. My teammates and I have nicknamed this act “Bush-Wookie-ing”. Along with staying alive and keeping your head down until the end, it is very important to grab as much resources as you can. Building forts and structures can greatly increase the rate of your survival to win Squads.


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Fall 2017