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Social media, undoubtedly, has become a subject of everyday contemplation. From Facebook being incorporated into the college, classes and clubs, students broadcasting on Snapchat and YouTube for study and fun, along with Instagram and Twitter updates for everything, there is ample cause to remind ourselves of the great responsibility that comes along with social media use.

Irresponsible social media conduct can negatively impact your education and your career, as well as hurt others in the process. With a little precaution, most consequences are preventable. Below is a list of 5 things, compiled from, you should absolutely avoid on social media.

  1. Post Illegal Activities

As much as you may be tempted to post that video of your drunken antics or your latest petty crime, this could result in school expulsion, or even criminal prosecution; consequences that could affect the rest of your life. Even if your profile is private, a friend can always copy and save the evidence to use against you in the future. It is a good idea to perform an audit on your social media accounts at least twice a year, to review information and content, removing anything that is inappropriate.


  1. Bullying

Bullying is a serious problem because vicious treatment and hateful words often lead to violence, suicide, depression and discrimination among the student body. When this behavior is displayed on social media, you risk expulsion from school, as well as serious criminal prosecution.


  1. Trash Your Teachers

Students who speak poorly of their teachers, or post embarrassing photos of them, are at risk as well. You never know which one of your professors will be standing between you and the next great internship or job announcement.


  1. Post Confidential Information

Online predators and identity thieves are sitting back waiting for users to post personal information, like schedules, social security numbers, student ID numbers, addresses, etc. Do not make it easy to get hacked or to have your identity stolen.


  1. Unprofessional Public Profiles

Whether you are applying to flip burgers or trying to land your dream job, your social media presence needs to reflect responsibility. Companies look into your history on social media networks. It is easy to be rejected for posting drunk images of yourself, or because you posted your firearm as your profile picture. When interacting on social media, you should post as if you have your dream job and you want to keep it!



Angela Small

Student Author - Fall 2017

I am currently a student of Digital Multimedia, and one of the many “Senior” students here at Gulf Coast State College. After living a full life, which included raising 5 children (and 7 grandchildren, to date), I finally had time and opportunity to do something that was just for me. I am an aspiring web designer that is deciding on the direction my career will take., while enjoying all of the different studies within the field. I have a million hobbies, which include writing, collecting dolls, crocheting, and crafting. I enjoy DIY projects with family and friends. Anything that involves creativity, I probably like.