We’ve all been around cellphones for practically the majority of our lives now; we live with them, eat, sleep, and even use the restroom with them. (Don’t act like you don’t, no one’s judging you here!) When touchscreen phones were beginning to become big, there were many people stating that cellphone usage would cause brain cancer or other forms of cancer.

Once again, that study has been picked up again in 2018 to explore if cellphone usage really does cause cancer. Two studies were done on rats and mice with intense exposure to cellphone radiation. This showed, after the exposure, that the rats came back with heart tumors. These super high doses have shown to have a negative effect on animals since they cannot be used on humans.

“The rat study released Friday (Feb. 1st) found a small increase in an unusual type of heart tumor in male rats, but there were no significant problems in female rats or in a separate study of mice. In particular, scientists could not find hard evidence for concern about brain tumors.”

“These draft reports are bound to create a lot of concern, but in fact they won’t change what [people will do]. The evidence for an association between cellphones and cancer is weak. And so far, we have not seen a higher cancer risk in people. But if you’re concerned about this animal data, wear an earpiece.” Dr. Otis Brawley, the American Cancer Society’s chief medical officer, said in an interview after reading the studies.

These rats had been bombarded with high dosages of cellphone radiation for nine hours straight for up to two years. Thought the males did show an abnormal heart tumor, the rats that were exposed to the radiation actually ended up living much longer than the mice that were not exposed. The study cost about $25 million for the Food and Drug Administration. With these findings, there is still no hard evidence to show that cellphones cause any form of cancer in humans.



Megan Stone

Student Author - Spring 2018

Senior at GCSC pursuing a Bachelors in Applied Science in Digital Media. With over 5 years professional experience in graphic arts, I hope to someday bring my skills overseas.