One thing that gets people nervous around Spring Break is traffic stops. Yes, it could be something simple but the majority of the time when you are stopped out on Panama City Beach in your vehicle, they are checking your information and to see if you have been drinking. Drinking and driving has become one of the most deadliest reasons for car accidents at this time along with texting and driving. Most people who are out at Panama City Beach for Spring Break are here for a good time, their hotel or condo isn’t very far from where they’ve been, and they think that a short trip while they’re inebriated won’t be that much of a problem. But in reality, it only takes a moment like this to change your life for the worst…or someone else’s for the matter.

With this in mind, Panama City Beach police and Florida Highway Patrol will hold a roadside sobriety safety checkpoint starting Friday, March 16th at 8PM and will end on Saturday, March 17th at 1AM. This checkpoint will help to eliminate accidents and help to keep people who have been drinking from causing further accidents to occur. The checkpoint will be held on State Road 30 which is one-tenth of a mile east of the Dupont Bridge near Tyndall Air force Base.

“FHP officials say warning devices will be placed in strategic locations leading up to the checkpoint for the safety of other motorists and officers.

Troopers will stop vehicles and check for driver impairment and other violations of Florida law.

Florida Highway Patrol advises that motorists not drink and drive and to select a designated driver if your plans include drinking.”


Meagan Stone

Student Author - Spring 2018

Senior at GCSC pursuing a Bachelors in Applied Science in Digital Media. With over 5 years professional experience in graphic arts, I hope to someday bring my skills overseas.