I was one of the first to experience the closed alpha of Fortnite Battle Royal on iOS devices. Immediately I was surprised that it was the same account and everything as the one I play on PS4. The login and menu’s look exactly like the console and pc version. So I decided I wanted to play a squad’s match as my first gameplay. When I went into the lobby the controls were a little confusing at first but it was pretty easy to get used to. Once the battle bus popped into the map I immediately noticed how different the graphics looked. It was as if the game was playing on PC at the lowest graphics quality possibly that I see a lot of streamers use. This was probably done so that the game can be run on a multiple amount of iDevices. The gameplay was a very smooth 60fps and hardly had any lag. I was playing on Wi-Fi that gets speeds of 250mb download and 45mb upload so everyone’s mileage may vary. The controls on the touchscreen got kind of clustered during firefights as it’s really hard to switch to building mode and gun modes. Also it doesn’t help that the single shot fire button is to the left of the directional joystick on the left side of the screen. The majority of the time I had to stop to fire at people across the map. Along with shooting at enemies the touch screen can be a little sensitive at times and is hard to get the perfect sensitivity in the options menu. I personally can’t wait till they give you the option to rearrange your controls or give you the option to use a Bluetooth controller. The guns and in-game skins on mobile are the same throughout all systems. It does seem that Fortnite mobile has its own dedicated servers for mobile devices. Overall the game functions amazing for an alpha stage as it feels like it’s more in the beta stages. It will be interesting to see how this game will progress as the console and PC version does as well. Currently it already has features built into the game that are the same as the others but have not been activated for server reliability. The biggest one that hasn’t been added yet is the ability to voice chat with your fellow squad. When I played with some buddies we had to rely on other means of voice communication such as Discord and WhatsApp. Also the mode duos hasn’t been activated yet and is greyed out. So far the iOS version seems to be invite only and you can only get access through 2 means. One being an actually invite from Epic Games to your email account. The other is by getting an invitation from a friend that already has an invite from the game developers. However, when I was first invited into the game I did not have any invites to send to friends and family. I had to wait a couple days before Epic Games sent me an email that I could invite people from the in-game menu. Currently you only get three invites you can share by email or text. Each link is unique and will be greyed out once a person has accepted the invitation. Each of my friends that has accepted the invite has loved it and really like how it plays. Hopefully it won’t take long to see some new updates to this version of the game as I’ve really enjoyed playing this game on the go.


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Spring 2018