Florida Residences Worry for Native American History

Florida has a rich history as being first discovered by Leif Eriksson, Christopher Columbus, and then Juan Ponce de Leon. Before Florida’s discovery, Native Americans were here and this evidence can still be found underneath piles of rocks and dirt. After the Europeans forced the Native Americans from their land, they began to scavenge for these ceramics and other valuables. With all the construction, many worry if there is anything along the beaches.

“I used to walk on pottery. Just walking down front beach you couldn’t help but step on pottery, it was so numerous.” Says Tom Detrick, local anthropological enthusiast. Detrick also says there were once, sacred burial mounds and temples scattered around northwest Florida. There are also a few Indian mounds throughout Jackson County and along the Chattahoochee River. One in Fort Walton Beach serves as a Native American Museum.

“A lot of things wind up buried under the ground that we don’t even know are there until we actually go in and dig and learn about them.” Says Archaeologist, Teresa Brown.

Brown is part of a team of archaeologists that study the history of the people that lived on what is now Tyndall Air Force Base, “There were a lot of Native American people[s] out here well before the Europeans showed up.”

Bringing It Back

Native American Museum Owner, Ben Liggin, says he hopes to organize an anthropology group. With the help of Gulf Coast State College Archaeologist, Jason Wenzel together they hope to address the history of Florida. They want to raise awareness of our local history and still undiscovered artifacts with the public. Hopefully, with more awareness, less of the artifacts will be destroyed by construction along the beaches.



Meagan Stone

Student Author - Spring 2018

Senior at GCSC pursuing a Bachelors in Applied Science in Digital Media. With over 5 years professional experience in graphic arts, I hope to someday bring my skills overseas.