Graphic Design Positions Around Panama City, FL


During my twenty-seven long years of being near the Panama City, FL area, I have seen all of the changes that have happened. I remember when the beach was just sand and when Goofy Golf was still the hype out there. I even remember the pink castle that held a huge arcade on Front Beach Road.

A Little Background Info

I have been working since I was eighteen and my first job was at Walmart as a Photo Center Technician. Technically, it was still photography and arts involved since I was the one developing film for customers. After a year of that, I was done with waiting and decided to go to Gulf Coast for my Associates. After working for Walmart, Radioshack, iHeartRadio Inc, Office Depot, and my current position at a local photography company…I’ve learned one thing. Design or even art jobs around here are very far and in-between; photography jobs are a joke with so much competition. I knew that my career choice would be a hard one for opportunities. But since I’ve been on the verge of graduating with my Bachelors in Digital Media, I’ve been worried about finding employment.

Current Time

Every time I see a job opening for a graphic designer, I jump on it. Why? Because I don’t want to be stuck here for the rest of my life in a job that I don’t like. Graphic designer jobs popping up on Indeed for Panama City are a once in a lifetime opportunity. Honestly, if you don’t know someone, it’s hard to even get your foot in the door in places around here. My portfolio has examples of logos and Photoshop work that I have done for Office Depot and my current employer. But when I submit my portfolio to places, they don’t seem to even consider it or act like they’ve looked at any of it.


Basically, I just don’t want anyone to give up hope like I have. I finally accepted that there is no position here that I would be qualified for/that anyone would want me for. With that, I’ve decided to take myself across the ocean once I’ve graduated to get the dream job that I want. Don’t give up hope if you’re here! It’s not all that bad.

Good luck in your job search out there!

Here are a few videos to help boost your confidence after graduation:


Meagan Stone

Student Author - Spring 2018

Senior at GCSC pursuing a Bachelors in Applied Science in Digital Media. With over 5 years professional experience in graphic arts, I hope to someday bring my skills overseas.