Women in Technology Careers

Why does it always seem like there are so few women who are apart of technology careers? It almost seems like things are intimidating to them.

Women who enter science degrees or computer science degrees are applauded and given grants to further their education. With that kind of treatment and support, how could a girl say no? Why would they say no?

There are only 28% of women in the United States with computer science degrees.

Is the problem really diversity though? Or is it actually the companies to blame?

Treatment in Companies

From the look of things, it seems as though there is a problem with companies. Companies pour their money into recruiting people and churning out mediocre work for no benefits. Progress has been made for women and others of different ethnicity in companies. But when did we forget about people and start treating them like they’re garbage?

Wartzman, who is the director of the KH Moon Center for a Functioning Society at the Drucker Institute says, “The four big companies that I use to tell this story are GE, GM, Kodak, and Coca-Cola. … They talked about taking care of their customers and the communities they operated in; they even bragged about how much they paid in taxes. Corporate America shifted to a model that is now largely centered around maximizing shareholder value. Investors have explicitly been put quite above all of these other stakeholders, so when you carve out the pie, a bigger share is now going to investors, and a smaller share is going to labor. That’s what happened.”

Why are we the ones to suffer though? There are hardworking people working for these companies working more than 60 hours a week. These people should be compensated for their time and their efforts. Why are we no longer taking care of our employees?

Maximizing profits. That is what it all comes down to. As long as companies are able to make more than enough for themselves, they could care less about “the little man”.

While you’re out there looking for your new career or getting your career off the ground, keep an eye out for these companies.




Meagan Stone

Student Author - Spring 2018

Senior at GCSC pursuing a Bachelors in Applied Science in Digital Media. With over 5 years professional experience in graphic arts, I hope to someday bring my skills overseas.