Over the past semester, I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with SGA as a representative for my department, The Center for Student Media. This decision was thrust at me, for lack of anyone else to do the job, so I wasn’t extremely pumped in the beginning. As I soon found out, there is more to the campus of Gulf Coast State College than the Advanced Technology Center. (I felt this way because I had spent my entire college career in the ATC building. Did the other buildings even serve a purpose? Except the Bookstore, of course!)
The Student Government Association members are like one big conglomerate of sisters and brothers, that are eager to adopt every person on campus into their family unit. It would be easy to claim that is a part of their constitutionally mandated mission, but it’s so much more. Each member has a genuinely open heart and operates within that mentality.
As an example, I recall my very first meeting in their conference room in SUE. I was very anxious, as you can imagine, because like most people, ‘new’ is intimidating at times. As I sat at the boardroom table set-up at the far end of the room, introducing myself was to be my worst college experience to date. Before the meeting started, the officers approached and were so welcoming, that I wondered if we had all met before. The atmosphere was so relaxed and familial, that we were all instant siblings.

While SGA is structured to be an enjoyable experience, there is more to this organization than being nice to everyone whose paths they cross. The Student Government Association at Gulf Coast State College facilitates student involvement in all aspects of campus life, by providing activities for all the students with all the clubs and organizations on campus. SGA also works to empower students in all aspects of campus governance, by being the official voice of the student body’s opinions and concerns and being a liaison between the student body and college administration. (1)
Throughout my involvement, SGA has sponsored many events on campus. The list includes: Employee Appreciation Day Breakfast, Minute-to-Win-It, an Ice Cream Social, Diversity Events, Game Nights, Holiday Themed Events, BBQ’s, Collab’s with various clubs and organizations, Contests, Rallies, Movie Night and many other endeavors that enhance and inform the campus community.
As the year wound down, I was fortunate to attend The Florida College System Student Government Association (FCSSGA) Year End Conference in Tampa, FL. This organization promotes legislative advocacy and training, leadership development, service learning, promotion of campus activities, and strong citizenship. (2)
Initially, I was a bit apprehensive. The idea of travelling in a group, doubling-up in rooms and being constrained was not a part of my master plans. I was, after all, beyond grown. But, as it turned out, I was putting myself through mental turmoil for no reason. It was a great experience, for leadership learning and for group bonding. We even got sick together! Now that’s bonding!

The year ended on a high note, with everyone walking away having made a new set of friends, and excited about the coming fall term, where SGA not only has a full set of officers in place on campus, but also has two members on the Region 1 Board with FCSSGA, representing the nearly one million students enrolled in the Florida College System’s 28 colleges., and a full roster with SABA for the Fall, as well. I was even “almost” tempted to apply for a position.
Angela Small
Student Author - Spring 2019
I am currently a student of Digital Multimedia, and one of the many “Senior” students here at Gulf Coast State College. After living a full life, which included raising 5 children (and 7 grandchildren, to date), I finally had time and opportunity to do something that was just for me. I am an aspiring web designer that is deciding on the direction my career will take., while enjoying all of the different studies within the field. I have a million hobbies, which include writing, collecting dolls, crocheting, and crafting. I enjoy DIY projects with family and friends. Anything that involves creativity, I probably like.