On April 12, the trailer for Star Wars Episode 9 was released with its full title: “Rise of Skywalker.” In this article we will be going through the trailer and attempt to breakdown some of the elements that are being shown and go through further speculation on what this film has in store for us this Christmas.

The scene opens with Rey, the main protagonist of this recent trilogy in some desert landscape. Now, this landscape doesn’t give enough hints on whether the characters have returned to Jakku, where we first were introduced to Rey. Using the previous trilogy of Episodes IV, V, and VI as an example, the narrative does return to Luke’s home of Tatooine to rescue their friend, Han Solo. It would be safe to assume that this is probably Jakku, as it would harken back to the original trilogy in a similar parallel.

In the previous film, “The Last Jedi,” Kylo Ren and Rey were fighting over Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber and due to their ephemeral tug of war through the Force, the lightsaber was torn in two. Here, it appears the Rey has mended the lightsaber at 0:23. As the saber sports the same design but with a new brown metal band where it was torn in two.

Moving on to 0:28, the shot is framed like how a western gunslinger is waiting for their opponent, Rey is waiting for this unknown ship that is approaching her and is still sporting the same blaster that was given to her by Han Solo. In Episode IV, this shot is framed in the same way Han Solo stood when Jabba the Hutt was searching his ship for the elusive smuggler.

At 0:04, Han Solo comes into frame in the exact same way, a blaster holstered and a rack focus shifting between Jabba and Han himself.

The title card that follows this shot, “Every Generation Has A Legend” was also utilized in the trailer for Episode I: The Phantom Menace, probably used as another parallel that has been told over and over in the Star Wars franchise.

At 1:17, we see the helm that Kylo Ren formerly wore when we first were introduced to him being mended and engraved with these new markings. Just like how Rey wields Anakin’s mended lightsaber, Kylo has his helm made anew, almost as if they were mending their own brokenness from the previous film, “The Last Jedi.” These characters appear to be now rectifying their own allegiances to either Light or Dark, unlike how they banded together briefly before turning on each other yet again. It could also be both mending of one’s former wounds like how Rey mended the broken lightsaber, and identifying with one’s scars, like how Kylo Ren has this new molten scarring on his former helm.

At 1:28, we see a skiff in pursuit by First Order Stormtroopers, some on speeders, some with jetpacks. This scene combines both the departure from the confrontation with Jabba the Hutt in Episode VI, where Luke and his friends rescue Han Solo and they leave as the larger barge explodes, and the speeder chases on Endor as the same Episode enters its finale.

Finally, at 1:37, the cast assembles fully, and we see in the distance the wreckage of one of the former Death Stars. Several things are shown here: The cast isn’t separated into separate arcs like in the previous film, making it difficult to follow and a bit distracting to watch in “The Last Jedi.” They are united for one final adventure into this wreckage, which is hinted to be the remnants of the Second Death Star, due to the Emperor’s sinister laughter at the end of the trailer. Some have believed it could be Snoke appearing one final time but Ian McDiarmid himself appeared at the end of the trailer reveal, reprising his role as Emperor Palpatine, uttering “Roll it again!”

There are probably other aspects that have been picked up by other fans and trailer watchers, but these are some of major ones that caused some eyes to widen. Feel free to let us know of anything that you may have found that we haven’t!

About the Author

Corum Byers

Student - Spring 2019

I’m a Bachelor’s Student at Gulf Coast State College within the Digital Media – Digital Development field. My passions include writing, gaming, story-boarding, and developing ideas for my future film series.