Midsommar is the latest movie by Ari Aster.

This review is going to be very unstructured and stream of thought.  The opening is probably my favorite part of the movie, I thought it was the most impactful part of the film and I loved the opening titles I thought it was cool and different. I thought that the death of the main characters parents really added to her actions in the rest of the film. People say that Hereditary was a movie representing depression and this movie is that for anxiety;  I would say that this is true. The whole pacing of the film gave me constant anxiety as Iwas watching it because you know something is off about the village but you’re not quite sure what it is or how these actions will play out. I thought the the foreshadowing in the film was a little on the nose and too obvious sometimes, for example the very large and prominent picture of the bear and the girl in the beginning of the films which plays out with her boyfriend; also the tapestry that they linger on for 2 minutes was extremely on the nose and become very apparent when it played out later and was talked about explicitly. I did the like how Ari could create this sense of suspension in an almost completely daytime setting, but i do kind of wish he would have used just a little ore of his disturbing imagery. I also liked his use of drugs that the characters were constantly taking to explain why the characters wouldn’t just leave after seeing the elders of the village committing ritual suicide as the entire village watched, or how the main charters boyfriend was given a pie  with pubic hair in it. I really also like the main actress in the film and found her performance very convincing. One character that i didn’t really like was the “douchey” redheaded friend i thought that his character was a little too rude and unaware for it to be realistic.  The end was a little bit underwhelming for me but I think that it was probably because I was expecting too much out of it. One thing i didn’t like about the ending was that the main charters punishment for her boyfriend by putting him in the sacrifice was a little too much compared to his actions which was him basically being raped buy one of the girls in the village because he was heavily  drugged and was shocked at what had just happened immediately after.  Some of my favorite imagery came from the end of the film where all of the members of the sacrifice are brought into the temple to be burned and you can see how they presented all of their bods.

I would say that overall i really like the film and Im excited for the directors next movie, he is probably my favorite new director.   

About The Author

Caleb Watford

Student - Fall 2019