As a precursor for this review I have been reviewing movies but I thought that this show would go well of the theme of my reviews. Me and my best friend love to watch low-budget horror movies because they’re good to make fun of , if it’s because they’re just bad or so bad they’re good. Goosebumps is in a movie but it is low budget and great to make fun of.

Watching the series as an adult makes me wonder how I thought any of the episodes we’re creepy has a kid. I say that but there actually were some moments that scared us as adults but I don’t know if the creators of the show meant for those seems to be so scary. Every episode is maybe a good budget for the time but now seems low budget. We didn’t find an episode that we didn’t think was funny or had something to make fun of. We quote bad lines from the show often and bring up scenes to people when we try to describe how are comedy taste is. Also the show is very Canadian and as an American it’s very funny to hear kids say weird Canadian phrases while they’re pretending to be scared. I know you might be thinking why would I ever I want to watch this not scary anymore kids show, but trust me it’s worth a watch if you like bad horror and I think this one is especially fun bad horror because the cast is usually all children.  

About The Author

Caleb Watford

Student - Fall 2019