Creativity is bred deep in the hearts and minds of humans across the nations and even across time itself. Years of historical paintings and art of all kinds have floated from city to city, and even country to country. Mankind has been influential, intelligent, even daring with the talent of being creative.

With the help of the Gulf Coast State College staff who are completely devoted to students, this college program has made a way to be creative and informed at the same time.

They broadcast video and audio content, as well as doing graphic design and web development when called for. Just in case you haven’t guessed it already, it is the Center for Student Media.

The Center for Student Media, located in the Advanced Technology Building, have club meetings in room 216 the first and third Monday of every month. They have created intense training and wonderful opportunities for those interested in digital media.

From taking a small part in production events, to being at the very front of said events, this could be a way to become involved in the community and enhance the creative abilities already present in the minds of possible future students of Gulf Coast State College.

If you have always had a creative side and enjoy using mind, heart, body, and soul to make things that can touch the lives of others, then the Center for Student Media gives many different opportunities to express oneself.

Alternation, a radio broadcasting organization run on 90.7 and completely run by students, falls under the umbrella of Digital Media. On the other hand, if being behind the camera is more your style, there is Live Production which focuses on video and editing. Their content is available to watch on cable television on WNC200. They currently stream as well, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

A program that is also related, is Commodore Productions, which works at getting students involved with digital media and is dedicated to students interested in producing videos.

The Center for Student Media team is both laid back and knowledgeable in everything digital media. If you are new to the ways of digital media, then do not worry, because they are willing to help anyone interested in learning.

The lead person in charge for the club associated with both the associate and bachelor’s degree programs is Dr. Erika Goines. She is very dedicated to the degree programs as well as helping the students develop necessary skills that will be useful in their future careers.

Learn to shoot footage, edit videos, perfect lighting, direct video, and even learn whether to be in the field or in the studio. Most people involved in this group will be busy throughout each semester since events are scheduled weekly.

In conclusion, if there is even a small amount of desire to design or create, in your heart, then this is for you. So, what are you waiting for? Get involved with the Center for Student Media and activate that creative soul present in YOU!


Alyssa Mike


Alyssa Mike was a student in Digital Media in Fall of 2019.