So the bad news is you have to present something but the good news is I might be able to help. Have you ever felt like you were going to be sick before your presentation? Dizziness and dry mouth? Well, my dear reader you are not alone. My goal today is to share with you how I get past presentations.
Preparation is key!
I know you have probably heard this before but the best thing you can do is prepare. Preparation can mean a lot so I will give you a rundown of what I have learned.
Where are my notes?!
So if you are giving a presentation, chances are you have a slide presentation. These things are great because you can put your notes in a note section of the preso and then print out the notes pages. These are wonderful tools that can help you remember what you want to say and when. I recommend bullet notes that will guide you from one subject to the next so it can keep you on track.
Remember the slides are a reference.
One thing that is hard to remember is the slides are an electronic “hand out” that need you to explain. While tempting, you should never put everything into a slide. Just little tidbits that you and your audience can see to help explain your subject. Bullet lists are good but don’t go crazy.
Practice makes perfect.
Practicing anything can only lead to improvement. This means that the more you practice, the better you get. You gain more confidence because you are getting more fluid. You gain the ability to look at your audience as opposed to the slides accompanying you. After a few times through you most likely even find a happy speed.
Mirror mirror on the wall…
You should even take your practice to a mirror so you can practice talking in front of another person. In the beginning I couldn’t do it. I kept laughing, looking away, and a million things other things. Keep at it and you too will be surprised at the difference it makes.
The big day!
It is now time to bring it together. First, don’t eat a big meal before your presentation because you don’t want to see it again. Just saying. Second, if you can, try and get some time in the room you will be presenting in. In this manner you can do a quick run through sans crowd and get your bearings.
It’s that time.
Don’t forget to hit the restroom so you aren’t swimming. Have a small bottle of water handy so you can take a small sip right before you start. Also, at this point I often have a paperclip or similar sized object to fiddle with in one hand as I present. One last tip, look just above your audience’s heads all through the presentation to avoid feeling like you are being stared at! By the way, if you need some help in building a presentation, be sure to check out my previous posts:
- How to create a presentation that doesn’t snore: The look…
- How to create a presentation that doesn’t snore: Content
Check out the video below for public speaking tips and if you want to learn more check out the College Info Geek website!
Toni Hernandez
Student Author - Fall 2019
Born in Los Angeles California, Toni is a non-traditional student majoring in Digital Media: Web Development. Married, with many fur and feathered babies, Toni enjoys gaming, movies, and reading horror novels when time permits.