Popcorn (dbreen on Pixabay)

Please stand by.     

 Plans had to be changed on September 25th when the Student Government Association’s showing of Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) was cut short due to technical errors. The film was advertised around campus the weeks leading up to it. There were flyers stating that the movie would start at 7 p.m. It also said it would be shown in Student Union East in room 232 and be free to all students. Children were welcome as well. Snacks and beverages were also provided despite not being advertised.

Where we are at.

The event had a decent turnout of around 15-20 people in attendance, including a few children as well. The film had been going well until around thirty-to-forty-five minutes in when the screen froze as the merry little band of game avatars was stranded out in the desert, which was shown multiple times in the trailers for the film. Admittedly, this is about the time when I had walked into the room, meaning I have no real idea what happened up until that point, but you can expect a review of the movie later this semester.

After around fifteen minutes of trying to get the movie to play again, Zenovia Goss, one of the SGA members running the event, got on a microphone to apologize for the inconvenience. Afterward, she suggested a different movie title and made a few announcements while another person got the second movie going.

The show must go on!

After the announcements, the screen came back to life. On the screen, they began to play Jumanji (1995) starring Robin Williams. Goss mentioned in an interview that the movie was already in the college’s collection of movies. Because of that, it was an easy movie to put on. The audience that attended seemed to take the whole situation in stride and didn’t mind watching the original film instead of its most recent reboot. In the end, everyone seemed to have a good time, despite a few irritating technical difficulties.


Rebecca Starke

Student Author - Fall 2020