Student Opinions On Grizzly Brew Coffee And Vending Machines Are Great, But They Want Change In Commodore Market/Cafeteria

Brief Interviews with three GCSC students reveal that the food available on campus has been appreciated by most.

A few students are asked their opinions about the food on campus. Each was asked how often they eat on campus and what they eat.

Graceleigh Wright says,”Not often at all. If I have to stay late then Ill just grab something quick from the vending machine. I eat off campus before I go into class or meeting.”

“About once a week.” Says Seth Johnson, “Lunch from Grizzly Brew Coffee, every now and then snacks from the ATC vending machine.”

And Luke Ramsay says, “I eat on campus once a week. I eat the Cuban sandwich from the [Grizzly Brew Coffee] cafe in the ATC.”

The difference in what students choose to eat on campus is expected, but when asked whether they have been to the Commodore Market in the Cafeteria, their responses are pretty unanimous.

Seth Johnson says, “Yes. Nothing, in particular, that was worth remembering, just general stuff. Pre-packaged sandwiches and snacks. Overall pretty mediocre but it serves its purpose enough I guess. Ideally, I’d love to have an actual cafeteria area with “real” cooked food.”

“Yes, I have.” Says Graceliegh Wright, “I think I got a rice crispy treat one time because I was there late for a radio show. I guess I would prefer healthier options, like salads or something.”

And Luke Ramsay says, “I did not enjoy my experience with the Commodore Market. I would rather a more full service deli or cafe. I usually just get a small black coffee if I am having coffee.”

Popularity for the Commodore Market is drastically low compared to Grizzly Brew Coffee and the vending machines on campus. This issue is addressed by SGA, but they do not know if the students do not communicate their opinions. In order to further understand why the Commodore Market is not doing well with students, they are asked whether they are aware that they can submit suggestions to the SGA in the cafeteria.

All three students are completely unaware of the suggestion box, “I did not know that!” States Luke Ramsay. “No, I didn’t know.” Says Seth Johnson. And a resounding “No.” from Graceleigh Wright.

If you are a student at Gulf Coast State College, and you have an idea or opinion, not just about the food on campus, but any changes that you would like to see initiated on campus, submit those opinions into the suggestion box located at the entrance to the cafeteria. There is a clear box with papers and pens to write, so students can stop by and submit suggestions at any time. SGA makes our school better for the students, and without communicating your ideas, SGA doesn’t know exactly what the students want.

Students at Gulf Coast State College are enjoying the Grizzly Brew Coffee Cafe located in the ATC, as well as the vending machines available across campus. The Commodore Market, however, has not reached the students in the same way. It is apparent that students are unaware that they could potentially change this. Food on campus is dwindling, but so is the student body. What the future holds for the food on campus, is unknown for now.


Valana Theorine

Student Author - Fall 2020