Image by D Thory from Pixabay

Students can adjust opportunities given to familiarize themselves in the department they have applied for as an assistant. Students like Cera Lawrence and Dawn Jefferies have their perspectives in the Digital Media Field as they are motivating students who are willing to learn more about their major.

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Meet the Student Assistants

Cera Lawrence: “As a student assistant, I have a radio show that I do with another student assistant. I also have a fair amount of graphic design jobs to do, as well as helping Commodore Productions film events sometimes.”

Dawn Jefferies: “As a student assistant, I do pretty much whatever is asked of me, while also having the choice of going to whatever event I want to go and work at and cover.”

For both students, they see more of the positive perspectives of being a student assistant. They receive hands-on experience, which helps them give an idea of what certain parts of this department field are like. 

One example is doing radio shows on campus. Announcing events that are happening on campus, playing music, and creating promos in regards to the radio station the audience is listening to. 

Dawn Jefferies: “So far, my experience has been doing radio shows, working volleyball and basketball games by working cameras and replay, and working in the studio.”

What Digital Media focuses on

Being a student assistant helps students become well-rounded in their studied major to prepare for real-world careers. In digital media, for example, the department prepares students to be familiar with:

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  • Adobe Creative Cloud Programs
  • Camera Angles
  • Identify Different Microphones
  • Video Editing
  • Sound Editing

These abilities help students prepare for future careers, so they know what to expect. However, there is still more to learn, which is a challenge as well.

Cera Lawrence: “I’d be willing to do more challenging things. For me, those would be being technical director more often. It’s scary, and it’s especially pressuring if it’s a sports event, but overall seems fun.”

Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay

Dawn Jefferies: “Well I definitely would be willing to learn new things. The more things I overcome and learn now while in college, the less I have to learn from scratch when I get a job in the field. I want to learn more Premiere Pro, because that’s what I have least experience with, other than that I want to learn more about being a technical director and working the board at sports games or in the production studio.”

Pakarwadee Tiebklang

Student Author - Fall 2020

Wish you the best in your endeavors!


Pakarwadee Tiebklang

Student Author - Fall 2020