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That’s a wrap!

“We are submitted!” Emma Hobbs wrote on Nov. 11th in a message to her fellow crew members announcing that postproduction was completed on the students’ first ever entry for the Atlanta Film Festival. The film, titled 10 Minutes, is currently marked as “In Consideration” and is scheduled to be determined on Feb. 12th, 2021 whether it will be shown at the festival next year.

The students, which call themselves the Night Owls, are a student-run film group at Gulf Coast State College. Currently headed by Hobbs and her Assistant Director, Christian Beckham, the Night Owls consist of about nine people consistently. However, there were several others who came in and out of the project to help as well. The group came together for its first meeting on Sept. 9th, meeting weekly to do scriptwriting, story boarding, and eventually filming.

Here we go again

The short film 10 Minutes explores the concept of time loops and also friendship. Our two main characters are Eden (Shamiracle Ross), and Millie (Graceleigh Wright), who are friends with a somewhat strained relationship. The reasons for this are unknown, but when a car hits Millie while waiting for Eden, their differences are put on hold. Unfortunately, the tension between the two never gets resolved, with Millie dying in the hospital. However, once she is declared dead, Eden is transported from the hospital room back in time to the bathroom where she was putting on her makeup when this all started. She forget the events of the last hour and the time loop begins.

The waiting game

According to their website, the 45th Atlanta Film Festival is scheduled to stretch from Apr. 22nd, 2021 to May 2nd, 2021. Currently, there are not many other details on the event as of now, seeing as they have only just recently closed their screenplay submissions for it. So, until more information is posted, the Night Owls will wait to see what the future has in store for their film that spent roughly two months in production.

Rebecca Starke

Student Author Fall 2020


Rebecca Starke

Student Author - Fall 2020