Improve with A.C.E. 

The A.C.E. Tutoring Lab at Gulf Coast State College serves as a substantial resource for business & technology students who are looking to improve their academics.

Image by Welcome to All ! ツ Love, Harmony & Peace from Pixabay

What Is A.C.E?

Accounting Computer Programming Engineering The A.C.E. Tutoring Lab serves as a central meeting place for students and instructors, enabling peer-2-peer and instructor-2-peer tutoring and coaching. The lab’s true value shows in its instructor interaction. Instructors from the aforementioned programs use the lab to provide 1-on-1 time with students in their respective courses. Considering the online-adaptations that have occurred in the wake of Covid, this in-person atmosphere can be a massive help for students.

Student Says . . .

“I started using the ace lab at the end of last semester . . . so for maybe about a year now.” That was Zenovia, a Gulf Coast accounting student, who told me about the beneficial impact the lab has had on her studies, “So we’re on Zoom now and some of the stuff she [teacher] says, like I’m writing it down but I’m not comprehending it” she explained, “but when I come here, she actually sits next to me and explains it.” 

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Zenovia explained how she also takes on the role of the SGA Event Coordinator and having that extra responsibility puts more pressure on her to study effectively. “Any student that’s in the program can come here and get help”, she went on, “My gut was like ‘Just go, just take the hit.’ Tomorrow it’ll be all worth it when I take that test”. I asked Zenovia if she had any message for students who didn’t know about or didn’t think the lab was for them, “Just come up here and ask, there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. . . being a true leader, you always have to ask for help, like that’s showing leadership.”

Location + Contact

The A.C.E. Tutoring Lab is located on the 2nd floor of the ATC Building in room 225.
For more information, contact: Tracy Sewell (Accounting).

Image by Seth Johnson


Seth Johnson

Student Author - Fall 2020