Making friends in college is easier said than done. No matter how many different articles you read, it doesn’t change anything unless you put your foot forward and do it. 

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“Who should I talk to?”

Next time you’re in class, pay attention to the people in your surroundings. Look at what they’re wearing. Take a peek at their backpacks and accessories. You may spot someone wearing merch based on one of your favorite shows, or you may see someone with cool pins on their bag.  Once you figure out if you have common ground with someone, approach them. Compliment whatever they’re wearing. Another option would be to say, “Hey, I recognize the character on your shirt. I love that show.” This can be the spark of a conversation.


“But what if I mess up and sound stupid?”

People aren’t as critical of you as you may think. Being in your head and overthinking can cause you to doubt yourself when there’s nothing to second guess. A major mistake to you won’t seem like much of anything to someone else. This especially applies to basic social interaction. 


“What if they think I’m weird?”

If you are your regular self and the person finds it weird, that’s not necessarily a bad sign. It just means that you won’t click as easily with them, and maybe you should try to talk to someone else.  Besides, if it’s your first semester of college, it’s most definitely someone else’s first semester of college. The person you’re talking to could also be worried about coming across as weird and dumb. 


“No one is wearing any merch I recognize. What do I do?”

Another way of beginning a conversation with your classmates is by asking someone about the homework. It’s simple and easy and allows room for a discussion. The person you’re talking to could tell you no, they didn’t do the homework, and you can bond over how difficult the assignments are. They could tell you yes, they did the homework, and you can ask for advice on it. Either  way, this could be the start of a new relationship. 


geralt/ pixabay

Don’t Panic! These simple actions can lead you down a path of friendship, and at the very least, acquaintances. 


Cera Lawrence

Student Author - Fall 2020


Cera Lawrence

Student Author - Fall 2020