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College Blues

Going to college for the first time can be a nightmare, especially if you don’t know anyone. Having social anxiety can make it even more brutal. It’s common for people to part ways with their high school friends, especially if you go to different universities in different cities. If you do have the luxury of attending the same school as your friends, it’s even rarer that you guys will have the same classes. In high school, it was easier to make friends because you had classes with people for years. In college, however, you have to put in a bit more work to form that bond. Being in a new place with new people can be scary, and because of this fear, it can become difficult to break out of your shell and make new friends.

Give it the Good Ole College Try

This process can be anxiety-inducing. I know people, including myself, were overwhelmed with the thought of this at first. Hearing this may be worrying, especially for those who are new in school, but no worries. Making friends in college is easier than it seems.   

Advice From A Friend

Dawn Greggs, who is a digital media major at Gulf Coast State College, was kind enough to give her personal experience on the subject. 

I was homeschooled for the majority of my life. Going to college and being in a setting with many unfamiliar faces terrified me because all I’ve ever known was my family and my internet friends. I also have bad social anxiety, which makes it even more difficult to interact with people. It took some time, but eventually, I was able to break out of my shell and make some of the coolest friends I’ve ever had. I’ll never regret it.” 

Dawn Greggs

GCSC Student

Wokandapix/ pixabay

Get Out There Champ

If you struggle with social interaction, you can meet people in college that you will click with. Finding those people will make socializing feel more natural to you.  You’ll find yourself surrounded by people you can call your friends. All it requires is one little push.


Cera Lawrence

Student Author - Fall 2020