Perhaps you have seen them filming around campus?

Commodore Productions–the Gulf Coast State College video production organization–had a very busy summer despite the pandemic. They produced many video updates to keep students aware on how things were progressing at the college with the COVID-19 pandemic.

For years, Commodore Productions have been an active part of campus life at GCSC.

Ranging from producing content, editing, and filming events, promotional content, and important updates for the college. They are a student-led organization under the Center for Student Media and are a part of the Digital Media division. Over the summer they continued to work on video updates to keep information flowing as the ever-growing situation with COVID-19 went on. Because of the pandemic, students made the transition to online-only classes in the middle of March this year right after spring break. It left many students wondering how summer classes would be handled and how the school year would play out for the 2020-2021 year. It was a worrying time for many students as many had not taken online classes before. Videos such as the “Message from the President” series were there to help students lower some of the uncertainty during this time.


Photo by Commodore Productions, commodore productions working in ATC studio

It wasn’t just the “Message from the President” videos though. Commodore Productions broadcasted the “Commodore Connection” Facebook live streams over the summer too. These live streams provided information and updates with resources such as the Bookstore, SGA, and Financial Aid. During such an uncertain time with the COVID-19 pandemic, even a small amount of guidance was and is helpful. Every single live stream was hosted in the ATC Studio with the help of Digital Media staff and students.


To watch the “Message from the President” videos, please visit Commodore Productions on YouTube. For “Commodore Connection” videos, please visit Commodore Productions on their Facebook page.


Sophie Theiss

Student Author - Fall 2020

Sophie is a Digital Media B.A.S. student at Gulf Coast State College. She is the Student Government Internal Affairs Liaison and 21-22 President-Elect. Sophie is an active supporter of getting students involved with campus and student life.