Image by ElasticComputeFarm from Pixabay

   In a pandemic, the best place to be is at home. There are a few places to go and be. So why not make the most of a situation. Mike, a student at Gulf Coast State College, spent his time in quarantine at home. But he did not laze about as most people did. Mike decided to renovate part of his house since he had nothing better to do.

Renovations took about two months to complete. Mike did most of the work alone, so he would not contract Covid. It was hard work, mike said, but I will instead be doing this than sleeping all day and playing video games like most other people.

Image by Bettina Angerer from Pixabay

       Most renovations took place in the kitchen. Mark pulled up the tiles, the cabinets were taken down, and everything else was moved out of the room. The first couple of days were for repainting all the cabinets since most stores were closed. He had to make do with what he had. Mike painted all of the cabinets white with a grey accent on them.


  After that, he started building an island in the middle of the kitchen. Mike cut a tree down in the back yard and created a top for the island and stools to surround it. Mike After finishing the island, he decided to put in more floor tiles. This took the longest time to complete.

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

  Out of everything that was done, Mike said the tiles were the hardest to do. Everything that Mike did in the renovation was all done by himself. Mike also said that even now that Covid has you locked up at home, we all need time to rediscover ourselves. In the end, Mark found a way to enjoy his time in isolation. Now it’s your turn to discover what makes your time alone enjoyable.


Christian Beckham

Student Author - Fall 2020