On November 10th, 2020, Dawn Jefferies and Cera Lawrence went live with their first creature feature on WKGC’S HD3 station. This is your episode recap for that specific creature feature.

In early October there were multiple reports from several students about a mysterious figure seen in both of the stairwells in the Advanced Technology center on Gulf Coast State College’s campus. Cryptid Reporter Cera Lawrence classified it as Category 1 Cryptid and eventually decided to call it the Stairwell Stinker. This was because every single report they got from students never failed to mention the awful stench that filled the stairwell when the cryptid was seen.

Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Who knows why this cryptid really exists, or how it even got there, but later in the month something remarkable happened. Digital Media Professor Michael Covington actually ran into the Stinker, and much more information was revealed. Michael Covington actually managed to get a much better look at the Cryptid. He ended up deducing that the Stairwell Stinker had a strange resemblance to Digital Media Student Michael Howard. This shocked everyone involved with the investigation, and eventually lead to an interview with the only and only Michael Howard. However, when he was questioned, he completely dodged every single question and attempted to change the subject whenever possible.

The end was somewhat near, they still needed more information about the Stairwell Stinker, until one day, a major advance took place. Some local cryptid hunters and host Dawn Jefferies were investigating the stairwells and came across the stinker. Unlike other times, the group managed to get a much better look at the cryptid. At this point, it’s safe to say that the resemblance to student Michael Howard is uncanny.


Austin Greggs

Student Author - Fall of 2020