Stay Focused In College – Not On Your Career
It’s very easy for people to get caught up thinking about what they are going to do after college. Due to this, people may slack on their class work by spending too much time thinking of other opportunities. However, there’s nothing wrong with having other ideas in your mind. Look at it this way, college is a stepping stone or the foundation towards your future. You can always change degrees later on but it’s very important to do your very best on your current degree.
Don’t Limit Yourself!

It will get challenging! Credits: Sabrina Eickhoff on pixabay.
Don’t ever limit yourself! That is one thing that is amazing about college, you have an endless amount of opportunities! You can start one degree, finish it, then work on another degree later on. On top of that, you can work really hard and receive internships and other ways of getting access to jobs. It’s normal to have numerous interests which make it difficult to decide on a career. In addition, having numerous interests can benefit the amount of career opportunities that you have. Never limit yourself as there are countless degrees that can lead you to a successful future.
Another amazing thing about college is that it does not discriminate based on age. Whether you are 25 years old or 50 years old you still have the same possibilities. Don’t get discouraged or try and rush through college to try and pursue a career faster. This will only hinder you and possibly negatively impact your future. Take your time, think about everything before you make a set decision. College will always be there for you to go back to if you didn’t make the choice earlier.

Never give up! Credits: Gerd Altmann on pixabay.
The bottom-line is that you have a bright future ahead of you as long as you work hard for it. Never stray from pursuing something because it’s difficult. Like college, life is challenging and competitive. We all want the very best for ourselves and you should never settle for less than the best. Always give it your all and challenge yourself to become a better student as well as a better person. No matter who you are, how old you are, or where you are, college is there for you!
Dustyn Spengel
Student Author - Fall 2020