Welcome to Gulf Coast State College home of the Commodores! I have been going to this school for four years now and I’ve picked up on some of the best advantages and disadvantages of our campus; I’ll give you a few tips to make your long days on campus a little easier.


Where to eat!

There are a couple of places you can eat on campus but if you want hot food there is only one place to go. Right in the middle of our very own Advanced Technology Center or ATC for short, we have Grizzly Brew Coffee.


Image by Matt Trostle from Pixabay

With a nice compact menu serving hot food all the way through lunch, something our cafeteria used to do but it has been replaced with a cold food/ snack store. It is a big part of staying on campus, the only place you can get a hot coffee or tea with a warm breakfast bagel and still make it to class on time.




There are a couple of ways to get to campus and then get around it once you’re there. First, obviously, you can drive if you have a car but if you don’t you can get a monthly trolley pass so you can catch one of the city’s many trolleys. They run on a pretty tight schedule so they’ll get you here on time for class. Now once you get to campus you might notice that it’s pretty big, sure you can drive around it if you have a car but the parking isn’t great so you’ll probably be walking quite a ways even if you drive closer to your next class. I recommend using a longboard, they’re the perfect size to navigate the sidewalks of the campus without running into anyone. Plus you can cross the campus in no time flat and pick it up when you have to go inside.


So skate on in for a bite next time you’re on campus!

Pj Heckert

Student Author - Fall 2020