Finals week, the bane of every college student’s existence. Right now, you’re probably cramming before an exam or desperately trying to finish that final project. To be on top of your game for end of the semester can be stressful but that stress can add up and hurt you. So maybe it’s time to take a break.

Overworking yourself can result in grogginess, decrease cognitive function as well as making you a pain to be around. The best way to handle this is to walk away from your work for a moment.  The Anxiety and Depression Association of America say says that even just taking a 10 minute walk can help lower your heartbeat and ease anxieties and that eased anxiety may just be the saving grace when going into finals.

Moreover,  a quick break has more benefits than just easing your anxiety. Studies have shown that taking a quick break to chat with a friend or just have a snack can give your brain a well-deserved rest and help with your motivation as well as creativity. Scheduling a quick break can be the difference between banging your head against the wall to solve a problem and moving onto the next goal.

“Waking Rest” will also help you improve your memory and ability to learn. Scientific American has published many articles that help promote the use of downtime and suggest that during this rest period our brains are reviewing and ingraining what is has previously learned. This means sometimes just taking that quick break will make you remember things easier.

Taking a break has always seemed like a way to blow off work but now studies are showing it just might make you more efficient in the long run.  Less anxiety, increased creativity and more creativity can all be yours if you take a walk every once and while.


Charles Dent

Student Author - Fall 2020