How Do You Fill Out a FAFSA?


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What is the FAFSA? 

  One of the most important things you can do before starting college is filling out your FAFSA information so that you can be considered for financial aid and accepted into the school of your choice. The FAFSA 0r (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is a powerful tool in your college arsenal that will help you finance your studies and get you to the right school that you need to be in based on what degree you are looking to gain.

  The FAFSA is an ongoing process that has to be done yearly, so it is very important for us to cover how to create a FAFSA and also, how to maintain an up-to-date file with The Department of Education. Today, we are going to look at the breakdown of what the FAFSA is and also the steps it takes to complete the FAFSA process.


The President who fought for FAFSA

  First and foremost, it is important for us to understand what the FAFSA is and how it came to be. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid came to be with the enacted Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. In November of 1965, legislation was passed by our then-president Lyndon B. Johnson during his Great Society domestic agenda. He chose to unveil the Act at his hometown secondary school in Texas, Texas State University (then called Southwest Texas State College). The Act stated that the law was intended to strengthen the educational resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for students in postsecondary and higher education. 


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Image sourced from TheDigitalWay/on Pixabay

Higher Education Act

  It increased federal money given to universities, created scholarships, gave low-interest loans for students, and established a National Teachers Corps. The Higher Education Act of 1965 has been reauthorized many times from 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1986, 1992, 1998, and 2008. Congress periodically changes the laws and standards required to achieve successful funding, so it is so important for us college students to capitalize on the money that can allow us to follow our dreams. This funding is free, with payment being asked once your degree is completed, and available to you only if you decide to use it to your advantage.

Filling out the Forms

  Now that you have completed that part of the process, the application will then guide you along further by asking for the appropriate school year you are wanting the aid for, the financial information/personal information from you/your parents, and the schools that you want to be considered for in order to complete the application process. You will need to pay attention to what is being asked of you because the application process is not always so easy, especially when it comes to figuring up your financial backing. After you have successfully completed all that is asked of you, you will then be asked to review your application.

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Image sourced from DCG_MAK/on Pixabay

Check for Mistakes and Make Corrections

  Always take the time to review your application for mistakes, as this can slow down the process of having a successful FAFSA. After you have thoroughly reviewed your application, it is time to submit it to be reviewed and approved. It usually takes a few days to a week for them to process your application, but once it is done, you can go to the prospective schools of your choice, fill out their applications, and get the ball rolling on your future.


Image sourced from trevoykellyphotography/on Pixabay


Family Matters

  It is so important to fill out your FAFSA, not just for funding but to also know how to direct the course for your own future. Have a Pow-Wow with your parents to ensure that you are able to get the necessary personal/financial information from them in order to begin the process. Also remember, that it is your job to start looking for colleges that have the specific degree(s) you may want for yourself in order to gain them. By doing those things first, you will be jumpstarted and thrusted into the college of your dreams. Follow your heart and remember to do this for you!



Clinton Brantley

Student Author - Fall 2020

Love and Light Everyone!