On Campus Vs Off Campus Life: Time Management

by | Mar 11, 2021 | Uncategorized

As people, we are all different and have different types of learning styles. We choose to adapt to what makes us comfortable and easier for us to comprehend. Sometimes we must learn to adapt to the only choice we are given when there are no other options. In college, there are also other ways we can choose where we are most comfortable learning from. We get the choice to either be an online student and learn from home or a student who is happy to learn in a classroom on campus. There are though major differences between the two learning environments and how they affect a student’s daily and campus life.

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One of the major things that must be noted is how a student’s time management is affected. Time management is how someone articulates how and when something should be taken care of. A student’s time management is already set in stone with the basis of having a set schedule provide to them. As an on-campus student, there is time to do the assigned work given to you as it is addressed in the classroom. There is always a window of time where work can be completed and when work cannot. There tends to be less of a struggle with time management when being an on-campus student. Having a set schedule can create a set pace and security as a college student.

On the other side of the coin, some are choosing to learn off-campus and online. Off-campus learning is a completely different realm. Some people say it is a much harder state for a learning environment. College students tend to find that it is much harder to learn outside of the classroom because they are completely on their own. Time management for an off-campus student can be disarray. They have no set schedule to create a time frame from. As the assignments roll in overtime. The student tends to find themselves waiting to the last minute more often than normal with the elongated time given. Being off-campus permits more time for a life like friends, work, and other activities. If there is understanding in time management then priorities tend to lack.

New and Current Students

For upcoming or even current college students, they should consider their standings with time management. If you’re looking to be at home and away from the on-campus living experience. Find the time to make a schedule or create some criteria for things to be completed. Take the time to analyze the approach that is going to be taken. As well as find where the personal comfort for learning stands. It is a proven fact that many distractions tend to intervene when choosing to be away from the classroom. Most new college students will choose to have the on-campus life for the first year or two. Then as time goes on mindsets change or depending on the degree of focus the class selection changes. Either way, any college student looking on-campus or off-campus should make sure what their full outlook is.


Saralin Andrews

Student Author - Spring 2021