Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It is inevitable that the time to choose your college electives can be a dreaded one. All the subjects, course codes, and scheduling can be overwhelming and confusing. Hopefully, this article can make everything a little bit clearer. So, where do you start when picking a college elective?

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Choosing a Path: Major-Related or For Fun?

The very first step in choosing an elective is deciding if you want it to relate to your Major or taking a subject you have an interest in and sounds fun. Having a mix of both kinds of electives may help you have a well-rounded understanding of multiple subjects. Taking a variety of electives can assist in finding your college Major if you are unsure of what exactly you want to study.


Let us say you want something related to your major. Often most Majors will have requirements set out for you within that field. Using your electives as an opportunity to take a higher-level course is beneficial if you are transferring to a 4-year university. For example, you may be required to take Calculus 1 & 2 as requirements. Taking Calculus 3 as an elective could put you ahead of the game when transferring.

For Fun

Trying something new and breaking away from the typical courses you take is rewarding. You may find a new hobby, area of interest, or even a subject to Minor in if you transfer. Taking a course for its content and not being required to take it can make it more enjoyable. This option gives you more freedom to take courses such as Graphic Design, Marketing, or even Yoga!

Narrowing It Down

Once you have selected a topic, it can be narrowed down even more. From the arts, business, media, sciences, wellness, and more there are still many courses to choose from. Here are some subject areas you can explore:

Image by Varun Kulkarni from Pixabay
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Business Spreadsheets
  • Business Law
  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Art History
  • Ceramics
  • Yoga
  • Circuit Training
  • Water Aerobics

Reading course descriptions are also a good insight into course contents. Syllabi are often public and online or an email away to message the professor. Course expectations are always outlined in them and provide insight if the course may be too intensive for your schedule. That is one of the best parts of electives; use the time to earn credit for something you enjoy!

Image by janeb13 from Pixabay

Making the College Elective Pick

Once you find the course you want to take, make sure it fits into your schedule. Some courses may be offered at the same times and days, so you are not able to overlap. Most courses have online course options available, but many people still prefer in-person courses. Convenience is also important, so try to take all your classes on the same days. That is unless you like to spread your schedule out; that is the great thing about having many options. You can contact your advisor to help you register or register through the course sign-up portal on your own.

Choosing elective classes as a student can be quite a chore. To see a complete listing guide to all Gulf Coast State College classes, go to

The GCSC’s cheap and low-cost textbook listing here:

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Sophie Theiss

Student Author - Spring 2021

Sophie is a Digital Media B.A.S. student at Gulf Coast State College. She is the Student Government Internal Affairs Liaison and 21-22 President-Elect. Sophie is an active supporter of getting students involved with campus and student life.