Image by Abdul Momin from Pixabay

Attending college means finding the career path students want to study for. Students want to dedicate their time to studies and receive good grades no matter the cost.

In other words, students put their studies above everything else. One recreation activity to consider is including social life, whether it is making new friends or staying connected with family. 

Although there is nothing wrong with focusing on studies, it’s best not to ignore the perspective of meeting new people or staying in contact with those close. It’s best to have a balance between being a social butterfly and studying.

A description of a social butterfly is someone who is charismatic and easygoing. Making others feel great and can easily make a conversation even if they’re around strangers.

Therefore, people who are considered social butterflies know how to continue a conversation and are seen as confident rather than arrogant.

Moreover, there are ways to be a social butterfly.

Interest in people and their stories.

Have a curious mentality. It’s best to have this kind of mindset: 

“People can be interesting. Let’s learn about each one.”

In addition, people will read the body language and attitude that is portrayed. Having an interest in others keeps a positive mindset with the attraction to strike a good conversation.

Image by Henning Westerkamp from Pixabay

Furthermore, being curious means one’s attention span is focused on what’s in front of them. People feel good when their stories are being listened to. One practice is to do active listening. Having to focus on one person rather than the small distractions shows empathy and helps others feel connected.

Practice talking to other people often as possible.


Likewise, those that are considered social butterflies are more social. One challenge is to talk to at least 3 – 5 new people a week. The main focus should be building the social skills and using the skills as often as possible, thus create new skills.

Image by suju-foto from Pixabay

Being a social butterfly is applicable to various situations, like college.

A known factor college students should know is that someone is studying some sort of major. A couple of common questions college students ask others are in regards to what their studied major is or asking their perspective of the class.

 Joining clubs is another option. Attending at least one club creates opportunities for socialization. It’s good to expose oneself to given opportunities to become more social.

It’s important to have a social life outside of assignments in college. Here are some reasons why:

Intellectual Development can be affected if being antisocial.

Image by suju-foto from Pixabay

When in isolation, one can “lose memory speed of thought and wiser cognitive ability,” as well as making mistakes and slip-ups more often.

 Memory and cognitive abilities are important to have as life skills. Having cognitive ability is referred to as general intelligence and is needed for human adaptation and survival. 

Studying becomes easier.

In relation to academics, it can be beneficial to see another person’s perspective. Teaching others solidifies one’s knowledge as well as it is a two-way exchange.

Becomes beneficial when applying for jobs. 

After college, people tend to find jobs that relate to their studied field.

Correspondingly, here is a common question employers ask.

“How would your friends describe you?”

Therefore, relying on the opinions of other people is a way to figure them out.

Although it’s important to be a social butterfly, it can still be a challenge to develop as skill over time. Being social is an essential lifestyle to have after college and is applicable to getting employed, meeting new people, and communicating with others. 

Works Cited

B.Sc., Viktor Sander, et al. “How to Make Friends in College.” SocialPro, 11 Jan. 2021,


The Importance of Being Social in College


“Cognitive Ability.” Cognitive Ability – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics







Pakarwadee Tiebklang

Student Author - Spring 2021