Rodger Tucker

Student Author Spring 2021

What challenges and government restrictions for 5G are put into place to protect us? Throughout many of my articles we have gone over the benefits and potential dangers of 5G. Now let us dive into the restrictions and safety requirements put into place by the FCC and other powers that be.
Many cell towers and sites have warning signs on them shown like below.

Image sourced by John Crowe / Alamy Stock Photo

As you can see they have disclaimers that warn operators to wear safety equipment , and that frequency fields near antennas may exceed FCC occupational exposure limits.

What are the limits?

The safe limit for a mobile phone user is an SAR(Specific Absorption Rate) of 1.6 watts per kg (1.6 W/kg), averaged over one gram of tissue.
The threshold level is a SAR value for the whole body of 4 watts per kilogram (4 W/kg). The most restrictive limits on whole-body exposure are in the frequency range of 30-300 MHz where the RF energy is absorbed most efficiently when the whole body is exposed.

Safety and Government Restrictions

FCC states that a 300-400 meter distance of these towers are safe, if you are any closer for a prolonged period of time a RF(radio frequency)suit is advised for you to wear.

Image sourced by

Controversial Reports

A 2006 report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) offered some reassurance. They found no scientific evidence that radiofrequency signals from cell towers cause adverse health effects. The report noted that there are more than five times the amount RF signals from FM radio and television transmissions. TV and FM radio have been broadcasting for over 50 years and there are no known adverse reactions.
This however is opposite of an Australian study. It found that children living near TV and FM broadcast towers developed leukemia at three times the rate of children living over seven miles away.

If you live within a quarter mile of a cell phone antenna or tower, you may be at risk of serious harm to your health, according to a German study cited at, a site devoted to exposing hazards associated with electromagnetic frequencies from cell phone towers and other sources.

Cancer Rates

Cancer rates more than tripled among people living within 400 meters of cell phone towers or antennas, a German study found. Those within 100 meters were exposed to radiation at 100 times normal levels. An Israeli study found risk of cancer quadrupled among people living within 350 meters (1,148 feet) of a cell phone transmitter—and seven out of eight cancer victims were women. Both studies focused only on people who had lived at the same address for many years.

Other studies have found that levels of radiation emitted from cell phone towers can damage cell tissues and DNA, causing miscarriage, suppressing immune function, and causing other health problems.
Astoundingly, the federal government does not allow rejection of a cell phone tower based on health risks, according to a 2005 article. A Google search found no evidence that this situation has changed.
Yet over 1.9 million cell phone towers and antennae have been approved nationwide without federal studies to assure safety of those living nearby.

Taking Action

Back in 2007 at Sydney, Australia, John Robert Patterson took it upon himself to destroy towers with a tank. He was a telecom worker who worked on cellphone towers and got sick from over exposure. After he got sick his company disclosed the potential risks of working on the towers. He later left the job took it upon himself to save lives. Patterson took a privately owned Trojan armored personnel carrier (APC), usually hired out for weddings and monster truck shows, to ram seven mobile phone towers and fences. He led police on wild chase and cause an estimated $6 million in damages.
As shown in the video increased amount of radiation does occur with 5G. We have even seen plant life effected with Wi-Fi. Based on some evidence the skepticism that is out there has a valid cause to be concerned.


Guidelines and restrictions have been implemented to protect people’s health. However, with our constant advancements in technology, only some studies show that 5G emissions are safe. If we put more towers up and increase emissions, will we see the same results? Will Government restrictions and safety measures protect us?


Rodger Tucker

Student Author - Spring 2021