Rodger Tucker

Student Author Spring 2021

Sourced by Curb Stingray Surveillance. Photo by Alamy

Dangers of 5G, is the 5th Generation(5G) of the cellular technology safe? Are there potential dangers of over exposure and can it cause cancer? Should students get 5G?


The evolution of cellphones has changed drastically over the years. For what started out as a convenient way to talk on the go has changed into something that we rely on for much more.

Currently now through the COVID-19 pandemic, 5G benefits student lives! Providing better connectivity for zoom meetings, online courses, and downloading large amounts of student resources at great speeds. Students are saving time and meeting deadlines faster while constantly staying productive.

5G has proven to be able to download an entire tv show season or several movies in a matter of seconds. Granting users less waiting and a better entertainment experience.

In the medical field it has been proven to aid in emergencies by providing faster connections to first responders. It also enhances wireless connections to robotic surgical tools in near-real time. Making every second count to save lives!

5G would also boost the efficiency of factories and other manufacturing facilities like the way in the medical field. It would enhance wirelessly connected robotics and automated assembly lines, to be more precise and insightful than ever before. Raising efficiency, creating less defects, and increasing profit.  


Dangers of 5G Radiation

5G is 100 times faster than 4G, so many people think the radiation emitted from it would be worse. Some people are hesitant to purchase 5G, others even fear 5G is a cause for COVID-19. The fact is 5G does emit radiation, but it is classified as non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is determine to be non hazardous and considered safe. Harmful forms are ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays. These rays can pull apart atoms and break the chemical bonds in DNA, which can damage cells and cause cancer. This is why the FDA warns against having unnecessary X-rays. It is also why exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. If staying outside in the sun may cause cancer, can long exposure to 5G cause cancer as well? Many remain skeptical as little tests have been made, but 5G is being heavily pushed out.

Sourced by CNET. Electromagnetic Spectrum
Does this mean that 5G does not cause cancer?

There is no straight answer. Some experts suspect that the radiation from these devices could damage cells through another biological mechanism, such as oxidative stress in cells, which leads to inflammation and has been found to cause cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular, neurological and pulmonary diseases. Out of the thousands of studies that have been conducted over the past two decades, the results are mixed.

5G Limitations

It is a fact that 5G offers blazing fast speeds and benefits, but it has a limited range. More and more towers are needed to get put up to cover an area. 5G cannot penetrate through walls and buildings like its predecessor 4G.  5G has been determined to be safe, but not many tests have been made with high exposures at close range. Many things have been proven to be safe, but there’s always risks that can make things dangerous

Despite its limitations and possible risks, many commercials are pushing out 5G as the next best thing. It seems every top national carrier is at a race to cover the country and provide the most 5G. As a nation and worldwide we have become mobile! 90 percent of our daily tasks revolves around the internet in some fashion, and the number one thing many of us dislike the most are slow speeds. The benefits of 5G for students and our society speaks for itself, however are there still potential dangers? Should more research be done?

Sourced by Golden Cosmos New York Times. The 5G Health Hazzard that Isn't


Rodger Tucker

Student Author - Spring 2021