Rodger Tucker
Student Author Spring 2021
The access to faster download speeds are with 5G!
Should 5G replace Wi-Fi? Wi-Fi access has become so common you will find it just about anywhere. However, the problem users are having are connections are just too slow. Yearly we are seeing Wi-Fi dependence increasing due to more products needing internet to operate. Students, consumers, and businesses are looking for solutions. They need reliable fast internet to get things done. So much so that billions of dollars are spent every year for high-speed internet, for students it is an estimated $800 million per year!
So should we spend more money into traditional Wi-Fi? Or look for other ways to get faster internet speeds?
5G is an answer.
Years ago, we relied on encyclopedias and other means to get information. Now with current times internet is the primary source to get and share information around the world.
About 98% of all US public schools are covered with Wi-Fi and of those, the majority believe reliable Wi-Fi is critical to a better learning experience. With good internet speeds classes can share learning material quicker, students can get assignments done faster, and courses can teach more material smoother.
Workplaces that require internet will work the same way. Software updates will complete much faster, efficiency and productivity will rise, and completion times will increase resulting in greater profit!
Opensignal’s latest analysis demonstrates that 5G greatly improves the real-world speeds that users experience. And, even more significantly, 5G offers faster average download speeds than Wi-Fi in seven out of eight leading 5G countries.

All this demand has caused users to experience latency. Users have purchased new internet routers and requested more maintenance support from their cable providers than in recent years. All for the demand to get things done quicker and to continue their livelihood.
Should 5G replace Wi-Fi?
Though 5G has been proven to be faster than most Wi-Fi packages around the world, we still need it. Combined, both 5G and Wi-Fi will help with our increasing demand for strong internet connections. I believe we should invest in equipment that can connect to 5G cellular towers to provide Wi-Fi especially in areas to where fiber optic cables are not available. We are currently seeing networks getting bogged down and having both 5G and traditional Wi-Fi will help with demand.
Finding a good internet connection is like finding the best route to your destination. We all want to avoid traffic and get there faster. No one prefers to get caught in traffic and wait for hours, just as no one prefers to wait hours for something to load on the internet. 5G offers an uncluttered connection that provides a much better experience to avoid latency, lag, and extended wait times for downloading and uploading.
Rodger Tucker
Student Author - Spring 2021