Who is Gene Howell?

Gene Howell is a Commodore Productions assistant and student at Gulf Coast State College. Furthermore, he is currently majoring in digital media, specializing in Web Development. He does a lot of freelance web design and has done so for many years prior to attending Gulf Coast State College. He Plans on graduating sometime in 2023.

What is his connection with the Commodore Productions team?

Gene has had prior experience making websites for many years before college but recently has started going to school for it in order to have documented proof of his abilities. In the fall of 2020, he became a Commodore Productions assistant and has been working with them ever since. It is coming up on a year since he began working with the Commodore Productions team.

Gene Howell

What is it you do?

During his time working as a Commodore Productions assistant Gene has racked up quite a portfolio. He has operated cameras for both men’s and women’s basketball games and baseball games. He has run the graphics equipment for live games, which includes overlaying names, scores, photos, etc. where they are needed in real-time simultaneously with the game. In addition to these live productions, Gene has done some post-production work as a Commodore Productions assistant. This includes editing some live video recordings for the Commodore Productions team.

Although he enjoys everything he does when working with Commodore Productions, Gene says that

My favorite thing that I have done while working are the graphics for the sports events as well as editing videos.

What does the future look like for you?

Furthermore, I wanted to know what Gene had planned for when he graduates from Gulf Coast State College. I asked him:

What is something that you hope to do one day because of the knowledge you gained from working with the Commodore Productions team?

Gene stated that he hoped to use his knowledge and skills to further his freelancing business. He also hopes to open his own digital marketing company while continuing to pursue work in the freelance field.

Additionally, I asked Gene what he would say to someone who is on the fence about joining the Commodore Productions team.

Gene gave the simple response 

I would tell them to just do it. No one knows everything from the start. If you do not know something then you can always just ask somebody what you need to know.People are always super willing to help out with whatever you need, plus it’s fun and entertaining.

What is next for Gene?

Gene plans on continuing to work with the Commodore Productions team until he graduates sometime in 2023. He hopes that while he is working with them he can take on more time working the graphics for sports games. Gene also wants to gain more experience with editing videos for the Commodore Productions team. Gene wants to gain as many skills as he can now before he graduates so that he can become as prepared as he can be for his future.

  Do you have questions about the Commodore Productions team? Do you want to join the Commodore Productions team? Are you interested in film production or audio production? Contact the following individuals and they can help you out.

Caleb Erskine

TV Production Assistant


Brandon Smith

Manager, TV Production & Broad



Michael Howard

Student Author - Summer 2021