Who is Dawn?

 Dawn Jefferies is a 19-year-old college student at Gulf Coast State College. In the fall she will be getting her degree in multimedia production. In her time outside of class, she is a Commodore Productions Member. Some of what she has helped out with include:


The camera work Dawn has done includes the operation of cameras during both Men’s and Woman’s basketball games.

Radio work:

This includes recording station liners and running Cryptid radio, which was a show she ran with fellow student Cera Lawrence.

Editing footage for the commodore productions team
Helping run the mobile operation center:

This includes doing graphics for Men’s and Woman’s basketball, baseball, and doing the replay camera for Men’s and Woman’s sports.

  Furthermore, one of the main benefits of working with the Commodore Productions team is the experience you gain. Due to this, I decided to Dawn what experiences from being a Commodore Productions Member she thinks will be useful when she graduates. 

Dawn replied :

Working in the studio. Because working with a team of people and knowing how everything works will help with my future endeavors.

  Dawn has stated that her time with the Commodore Productions team has helped her with more than just knowledge for her future in the workforce. She told me 

Because it is a group of like-minded people all with a common goal it is really easy to find friends and share your hobbies with them. Working with a group of people you get along with really helps out the experience for everyone involved.

  Furthermore, Dawn said that she has an interest in learning to play bass guitar and that her work with the Commodore Productions team will allow her to gain the knowledge of how to record any songs she writes with the professionalism and quality that the average person without these skills would not be able to do.

Production Studio
 What Next?

Additionally, Dawn plans on getting her bachelor’s degree after completing the associate’s degree. Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, Dawn said that her dream job would be to work with audio editing and music production. Dawn said that she is also very fond of film and would love to work with a music director on a film set. Dawn says that until she is able to achieve her dream job she will most likely work with a news station for a number of years after completion of the bachelor’s program. The more time she spends working on production events, the more confident she has started to become.

   Moving forward

Dawn hopes to continue being a Commodore Productions Member for the remainder of her time at Gulf Coast State College. She is looking forward to doing more audio editing work in the future and hopes that when Covid is over that more filming events will occur for her to help with. Due to her involvement with the Commodore Productions team, she has had a hands-on experience that will prove useful for her when completing her degree.

  Do you have questions about the Commodore Productions team? Do you want to join the Commodore Productions team? Are you interested in film production or audio production? Contact the following individuals and they can help you out.

Caleb Erskine

TV Production Assistant


Brandon Smith

Manager, TV Production & Broad



Michael Howard

Student Author - Summer 2021