In College Life Handbook part #1, you learned a few general tips to study effectively and start adopting good academic habits. (If you haven’t read the first part yet, click here!) This time, we are going to talk about some more on-campus (and some off-campus) tips to get the most out of your college experience. Most of these are specific to the GCSC campus, but most colleges will have similar resources to what we are about to cover. Be sure to speak with your professors to see what your specific college has to offer!

Take Advantage Of College Events

Here at GCSC, we always have something exciting going on. Whether it be trivia games or movie nights, there are plenty of opportunities to do something fun while on a budget. These events are great ways to kill time, relieve some stress in between classes, and meet new people! To check the latest events, click here!

Also, if you aren’t already signed up, text ”GCEVENTS” to 79516 to be alerted about the status of upcoming events.

Take Advantage Of College Programs

In addition to campus events, GCSC offers a lot of resources to help you with your studies. If you are having issues with certain topics, or want to excel in your studies, you should check these out.

  • Writing and Reading Lab

The writing and reading lab is located in the Rosenwald classroom building in room 108. Due to COVID, tutoring is offered both online and in-person, by appointment. They are there to help with more than just developmental English courses: they offer tutoring with grammar, punctuation and mechanics, essay development, and MLA, APA, and Chicago style formatting. Also, they offer assistance with English-heavy courses, such as speech, literature, religion, ethics, psychology, history, and even Spanish. Click here to see more info on the reading and writing lab.

  • Math Lab

We all struggle with math, and trying to work through a problem we are stuck on without assistance is a nightmare. Thank God for the Math Lab! These tutors are quite intelligent and friendly. I don’t think I would have passed Trig without them. They offer assistance in all math classes through Calculus 1, so if you have a math class this semester, be sure to do your math homework there. They also offer online tutoring! As of right now, they are open from 8 am to 6 pm Monday through Thursday (Friday is 9 to 1) in room 261, 2nd floor of the Student Union West. Click here to see their current hours, and to connect with an online tutor in a few clicks! 

Join A Club!

GCSC is the home to about 18 different clubs, with a wide range of focuses and opportunities. You may find a club that you would fit right in, or see a club that focuses on something you know nothing about, but would be interested in. Either way, check them out! They are a great way to widen your horizons and find new interests. Joining clubs are also great ways to meet new people and make new friends! If you don’t find a club that you are interested in, you should consider creating one yourself!
If you are interested in checking out the current clubs at GCSC, Click here.

Seminole Commodore Alliance

You can’t talk about GCSC student life tips without talking about the Seminole-Commodore Alliance. Remember those clubs and events I mentioned earlier? GCSC students are not limited to events offered by our college. Through the SCA, Gulf Coast students have access to events, clubs, books, studios, shows, and other perks hosted by FSU. Click here for a list of all the FSU perks offered to GCSC students.


Alex Christodoulou

Student Author - Summer 2021