Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

       These Covid pandemics got everyone struggling. Now that classes have started back And things are trying to go back to normal. I’m here to give you ideas of things you can do on the next Covid outbreak that might head our way. Student Graceleigh spent his time out on open water. Many people did not understand that when they shut down the beach, they could not shut down the water. So you could go out as long as you stayed off any shore unless you were coming in.

Graceleigh’s family owns a boat that’s docked in Panama City. After a bit of work on it, they were finally ready to put the ship back into the water and set sail. Every weekend, they would set sail for a bit of time. But that time got longer as people were getting laid off from work. When that happened, they decided that this would be the best time to go scuba diving. Since they already had everything they needed other than oxygen tanks. With the tanks ordered and on the way, they did some snorkeling out in the bay to see what lay beneath them. Graceleigh saw many amazing things swimming beneath his feet. Some of the bigger fish even came up close to him before swimming off.


Image by joakant from Pixabay

After two weeks, the oxygen tanks finally came in, and now they were yet ready to swim with the fishes. Graceleigh said during our interview that he was scared in the beginning and that when he got down, there it was like a whole new world opened up before his eyes. He was able to see things she never believed was possible. Graceleigh said that if you ever get the chance to swim with the fishes as he could do, your view of the world will change as it did his.


Christian Beckham

Student Author - Summer 2021