While the usual GCSC entertainment accommodations are not open during the summer, don’t let that stop you from getting the most out of being a commodore!

Bored of going to the same beach over and over? Try Carl Gray Park instead! There are plenty of covered picnic tables, beach access, and even a boat ramp. Bring some friends and some flying disks, and you can walk down to the FSU PC disk golf course and play for free. Tired of hours of fun in the sun? Head over to the GCSC library and read a book, rent a movie, or surf the web on one of the many computers available for student use. Are you a math genius out of equations to solve? Head over to the Math Lab to help other students or collaborate with tutors to solve your own problems. (Oh, come on, math can be fun too!)

I know it can be rough out there during summer break; you might be working full time, taking summer classes, or chasing your dreams, but don’t forget to take time for yourself and relax when you can. Enjoy your break and make the most of the last month of summer before the fall semester begins!4

Matthew Hobbs

Student Writer - Summer 2021