The gaming world is forever improving and developing new technology. Could these developments be drowning out the past that long-time gamers have known to love? Are they ready for these devices to no longer be used , or is the news too much to bear? We have met with some of these gamers who have been around long enough to see these consoles grow and fall. The question is, what do they think is going to become of it.


With the advancement of technology, we are slowly running out of the ability to revive the older consoles. In an article called “Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying,” the writer goes into depth about his experience with the struggle of his dying console. He proceeds to talk about issues that old consoles have and technology advancement leaving the old ones to struggle. As we continue to bring in new consoles and age the old ones, we leave behind the ones that started it all. Is it just the console that the people want to keep alive, or is it the games they love? The good news is that the older games from the consoles are being remastered or available digitally on newer consoles. From games like galaga, pacman, and even pong. The oldest of the old games are available on most consoles.

In this article, the gaming console known to be a must-have for retro games is the Nintendo switch. The article “Nintendo Switch Is Becoming A Must-Have Console for Retro Game Enthusiasts” talks about all the retro games you can play, and certain controllers offer retro styles of controllers. I have gaming controllers that allow me to swap the button mapping of many different consoles.

We decideed to show why people would want to keep these old consoles and games alive we would conduct a interview with someone who has grown up with these consoles. 

About the Author

Gavin Schmitt

Electronic Journalism - Fall 2021