Digging in
A course that has much potential for learning new elements and being an overall fun experience is Principles of Graphic Design (84302). In this class, you will be able to explore the properties of creating a design and how to adequately cater to your customer’s demands, and explore new ways to construct logos and designs using the provided software. To get a better look into this subject, I interviewed 20-year-old Madison Anton, a student at Gulfcoast who is majoring in Digital Media, to get her opinions and experiences surrounding this course.
The Interview
What is something you learned so far in the class that you found interesting?
“So far in the class something I have learned about is the proper use of colors and how certain colors go well together and some do not! When making a print or design you want to pick colors that will be pleasing to the eye to look at. Another thing is that you are designing for your costumers. You don’t just get to make anything you want. You need to collect information on what the design is used for, what the customer wants their audience to feel when seeing it, how they will view the piece, and if there is are certain shapes or colors they want. You want to please your customers and get them to come back to you next time they are looking for a design.”
What made you decide to pick this course?
“Well, I didn’t have a choice when picking this course. It was just a needed class that I needed for my major. I am happy that I was given this course though, I have had a ton of fun and made a bunch of new friends!”
Do you think this course has helped improve your skills in design? If so, how?
“Oh yes definitely! This course has shown me how to properly interact with people that might be looking to hire me for designing products. Examples would be asking the customer what exactly they are looking to make and what will it be used for. I feel much more confident on the subject if I were to be asked to go talk to someone who wants a design.”
Is there anything you would want the class to add or improve on?
“Honestly, there isn’t really anything I would want to improve but I would like for them to add more projects. I really like hands on material! The few projects we have been doing have been right in my area since they are not very difficult to understand! Our professor, Mr. Covington, has only been amazing when explaining things to us.”
Do you have any examples of some designs or projects you worked on? If so, can you explain what the point of the project was about and the purpose of it?

Different pattern designs by Madison Anton
“Our class did a mini project recently, it wasn’t anything big but I was able to learn a few things from it. The overall point of the project was just to experiment with lines and use different sizes to make patterns. The purpose of doing this was just to show different ways that lines can be used. You can make it round and wavy, straight and jagged, and even dashed! There are many more things you can do using lines! The reason I decided to use this project as my example is because there wasn’t any guidelines or restrictions which really allowed me to have freedom when creating.”
Are you interested in taking this course? Why or why not?
Brittany Parsons
Student Author - Fall 2021
Brittany Parsons is a freshman at GCSC. She is working for her Bachelors degree in Digital Media.