Listed are their names and hometowns:
** Jacob McGovern is listed on the official GCSC Roster as an R-FR, otherwise known as an academic sophomore (second-year student) who is in his first season of athletic eligibility.
The Freshmen Struggle
College can be difficult for anyone, but for our athletes, the challenges can extend outside of the classroom. Classes are long, assignments are endless, and there always seems to be another midterm around the corner. As a freshmen student-athlete, you may be required to attend a supervised study session. For some, this is a great way to get caught up on work and even tackle some of those more difficult group projects. For others, there may be too many distractions going on to be truly productive. Try to make the most of this time, and even bring a pair of headphones with you if you’re struggling with a noisy environment.
College, even without all of the clubs and practice, can be hard. Suffering from lack of sleep is inevitable, but a great piece of advice is that naps are your best friend. So if you’ve got some extra time between classes, get comfortable!
At the End of the Day, Your Team is Your Family
Joining a collegiate sports team means that you’re bound to make plenty of new friends who you’ll see almost every day. You may even end up living with some of them! With this in mind, don’t be afraid to ask for help. As a freshman there is bound to be someone on your team who has already dealt with a problem you may be having. There are endless resources on campus, like the Math or Reading and Writing Lab, that are available to you, so make sure you get the most out of them.

Coach Bailey (left), Coach Younger (right)
“The key here is this. We want guys who are going to come in and play hard.
We want guys who are willing to go after it.”
In regards to current high school seniors with an interest in playing baseball,
If you feel that Gulf Coast State College is the right place for you, Coach Tyler Younger invites you to reach out to him by email at
Photos are property of Daniela Oestreich-Commodore Productions @ Gulf Coast State College.
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Daniela Oestreich
Student Author - Fall 2021
Daniela “Danie” Oestreich is a 3rd year student at GCSC. She is working towards her Bachelors degree in Digital Media Studies with a focus in Video Production.