Starting Off
As an artist, I have discovered how difficult it is to find that perfect style that is original and unique for me. After countless trials and errors, I have finally found a technique that I am almost satisfied with. While there are still a few things that I would like to modify within my class, I have found it easier to manage using a few techniques that I have picked up over my many years as an artist. Today, I will be sharing these techniques to hopefully help you along your quest to find that perfect style!
- Use references! Referencing styles can help inspire and guide you towards the art style you’re trying to achieve.
- Practice daily. Doing a daily doodle helps in the long run by keeping the muscle memory in your hand!
- Get outside your comfort zone. While it might be uncomfortable at first, creating work that you’re not used to will open you up to new techniques that might interest you.
- Tracing artwork that isn’t yours! Stealing someone’s original creation is not only wrong but is considered illegal.
- Trying to rush yourself. Styles take time to develop and don’t change overnight. You must be patient and take your time.
- Give up. Never give up on yourself because there is always room for improvement! Just keep on trying!

The images above are some examples of different types of styles that I created myself.
Keep in Mind
Remember, everyone’s art style is unique in its way. If something isn’t working out the way that you hoped it would, then go back and try again! Have fun with it and be creative. If you begin to overthink something, then take a break and come back after you have time to process it.
Is there anything about your art style you want to improve on? Why or why not?
About the Author
Brittany Parsons
Student Author - Fall 2021
Brittany Parsons is a freshman at GCSC. She is working for her Bachelors degree in Digital Media.