There is one thing we are born with that varies among individuals. Something unique. A difference in a world that tries so hard to be similar. What I’m talking about is perspective. It has become my favorite word over the past few months. I remember specifically a friend comforting me when I was upset about an oil leak my car had that was going to be $2,000 to fix. Being a 19-year-old college student who works hard and has an overwhelming amount of bills to pay for, it seemed like the end of the world. I didn’t have anyone else helping me. I had moved out of my parents’ house and was thrown into a world with the constant cycle of worry. I was in tears that day. But that was when my friend told me something I’d never forget.
“It is all about perspective”
Still upset, I was confused. What about perspective? What was perspective? How does that have anything to do with my current situation? He then went on to explain to me that there are people in this world who don’t have the things I am blessed to have. A car. A roof over my head. A dog who loves me. Tickets to next month’s music festival. I felt sick. Here I am crying about my BMW when there are people living on the streets with no blanket in freezing weather, no dog that loves them, no car to get them from point A to point B. It was something that stuck with me and probably will stick with me till the day I cease to exist.
So, what is perspective exactly?
Merriam Websters Dictionary defines perspective as “the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance”. The fundamental basis of perspective is perspective taking. This is looking at a situation from a different point of view than one you’re used to. Basically, putting oneself in another’s shoes. I could only imagine if I was someone different. If I was homeless and didn’t have a car. I would laugh at the young girl who is crying because she hates her overpriced BMW. Perspective taking made me realize I was being ungrateful, which is the last thing I want to be.
We each have different morals and values we live by. This is what makes us so unique. Someone’s right may be your wrong or vice versa. How do we know what is right? How do we know what is wrong? Imagine your friend is standing in front of you. Both of you are looking at a plant. From your point of view, it is to the left. But from your friend’s point of view, it is to the right. Therefore, in this situation we can see there is no right or wrong. It is all about the eyes of the one viewing. So before trying to prove someone else wrong, think about perspective and try to understand where they are coming from. The only way society will continue to flourish is if we respect different perspectives.
There is so much knowledge to obtain from perspective taking. Most importantly, it can save us from unnecessary stress and sadness. Looking at things from a different point of view opens us up to so much. Take a step back and look at things in a new light. Gain some perspective.
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About the Author

I am a passionate writer when it comes to the things I love. Topics I enjoy writing about include self-improvement and development. My goal is to spread love and radiate positivity to all kinds of life. Student Writer – Spring 2022